Creating/Editing Announcements in D2L (M圜ourses).Creating Discussions in D2L (M圜ourses).Creating Break-Out Group Discussion Boards.Copy Your Course Content from Previous Semester in D2L.Change Course Offering Information in D2L.Adding a Teaching Assistant (TA) to Course in D2L.Adding a Link In Announcement to Content.Request a Room for Outlook/Teams Meetings.Open another mailbox or shared mailbox in Outlook.Microsoft Stream Recording/Sharing Processes.

Installing Office 365 Pro from your SIU Account.Clearing the Outlook Autocomplete E-mail Cache.Accessibility Checker in Microsoft Office.Sync Teams Channel Folder to One Drive on Local Device.The software should only be used for academic or research purposes, it is not licensed used for commercial use or personal financial gain. You will only be licensed to use SPSS whilst you are a student or member staff of the university, if you leave you should remove the software. If required, now download and install the patch (this may require a reboot).A window should appear saying Authorization succeeded, click Next then Finish Enter the code you have received from your tutor or the UHI Servicedesk and click Next.On the Product Authorization screen, select the top option “ Authorized user license (I purchased a single copy of the product).” and click Next.When prompted during installation, ensure that “ Start SPSS Statistics License Authorization Wizard now” is checked and click finish.The download should start automatically, once complete install the software following the on-screen instructions and accepting the terms of the licence agreement (for versions 25 & 26 a patch is available that can be installed after the main package).Click on the required link above and when prompted login using your UHI Student ID (numbers ONLY) and normal network password.Contact your tutor to obtain the correct licence code.If you have any other questions, please raise a call with the ServiceDesk. Licence codes automatically expire every year on the 30 June but do have a 30-day grace period. If you are unsure which version to download, and to obtain the licence code, please ask your tutor. SPSS 28 for Windows SPSS download links for Mac Chromebooksīe advised that SPSS Statistics is not supported on Chromebook SPSS download links for Windows 64-bit Students using their own devices or devices provided by the University should follow the normal instructions below. Click Start > Company Portal > Search > SPSS UHI Staff and PHD Students should download SPSS via the Company Portal. The university has a site license for IBM SPSS Statistics Basic (Versions 26, 27 and 28) making it available to all current students and staff.