

tulpas tulpas

Rarely, a tulpa can result from heavy psychedelic usage or via lucid dreaming, suggesting that hallucinated entities, dream characters and tulpas are closely related as sub-types of autonomous entities. Tulpas are usually created through repetitive conscious effort and sustained attention by the psychonaut, but the term can apply to any recurring autonomous entity possessing the characteristics which define a tulpa. Also unlike autonomous entities tulpas are often the product of intentional creation, starting with an idea of their characteristics, and developed into a robust mental companion capable of meaningful interaction and communication through sustained meditative attention. This is opposed to hallucinogen induced autonomous entities which only persist throughout the substances duration of action or dream characters that cease to exist upon waking. Tulpas can be considered as a type of autonomous entity distinguished by their persistence and continuity over time. They can be likened to a separate mental consciousness, existing alongside the psychonaut. Tulpas are seemingly sentient, autonomous mental companions subjectively experienced by the psychonaut as a separate being with their own agency, emotions, preferences, thoughts, and character. Above is the traditional symbolic sigil which represents the concept of tulpas.
